Counter piracy and instruments, the example of Africa


Understand the nature of the piracy risk, Refer to the cooperative framework for European and non-European naval forces, Understand reporting procedures, Identify the shipowner’s obligations in the areas of health, safety, training and managing. Read more

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  • 100% Distance learning
  • Starting date : February 4, 2020
  • Work rate : 7 hours during 2 weeks
  • contact us
Université de Nantes IUML FCU


Piracy is an ancestral phenomenon and intrinsically linked to the history of seafaring. It was once associated with command of the oceans and naval power play, but today it has a new face, reflecting a very specific aspect of globalisation. Piracy has resurfaced against the backdrop of a global economy and internationalised maritime transport. Neglected populations struggling to meet basic needs are now exposed constantly to vessels carrying inaccessible wealth from the West and Asia. The capture of cargo ships on the open seas off the coasts of Africa is a source of revenue and power. It has redefined how maritime traffic is governed internationally in both the Bight of Benin and the Horn of Africa.
In the past, letters of marque and reprisal were closely tied to the construction of national naval forces, enabling individual states to assert their supremacy in maritime spaces. However, given the now international nature of maritime routes the resurgence of this threat has shown that unilateral responses are no longer adequate. Today, ships are the perfect embodiment of internationalised legal relations (ships registered in countries with which there is no real economic link, multinational crews, remoteness from sites of operation, the legal nature of waters crossed whether territorial, exclusive economic zones or the high seas). To address piracy it is therefore essential to adopt a global approach that transcends individual countries and involves all public and private stakeholders.

Programme Leader(s)

  • Noémie LARROUILH
This distance learning course is led by Gwenaele Proutière-Maulion, researcher in Maritime Law and vice-chair for European and International Affairs at the Nantes Université.

Our partners

Research center

The CDMO (Maritime and Oceanic Law Centre) of the Nantes Université, responsible for the European Research Programme ERC Human Sea, organize from October 15th to 17th, 2018 an international maritime colloquium centered on the theme Transforming the ocean law by requirement of the marine environment conservation.


Entry requirement

Academic requirement

  • University level
  • Apply knowledge of public international law and European law.

Target audience

Anyone who needs to learn about counter piracy and instruments in order to conduct a study or to make a decision in a professional context.


Application procedure

Ask for your registration using the online form

Tuitions :
  • Student rate : 122 euros
  • University staff rate : 122 euros
  • Grouped registration: contact us
  • Professional training : 430 euros


 Introduction: Maritime Piracy, a Polymorphous Phenomenon
    1/ Counter-piracy and the international legal framework
        The role of the UN Security Council
        The role of the European Union
    2/ Coordinating different stakeholders in the armed fight against piracy
        EU-NATO relations
        The role of SHADE
    3/ The role of central and regional governments
    4/ Shipowners’ social responsibilities

Fully remote

7 hours during 2 weeks
Work rate : 4 hours / week

This training leads to a participation certificate.
Mis à jour le 07 June 2019.