Maritime industrial economics


"Define and describe the major findings of IO analytical frameworks, classify the different shipping markets and types of cargo, apply cost and returns to scale analysis to the shipping industry, analyse growth strategies of shipping companies." Read more

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  • 100% Distance learning
  • Starting date : February 4, 2020
  • Work rate : 30 hours during 9 weeks
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Université de Nantes IUML FCU


This course aims at giving some theoretical and empirical concepts inspired by Industrial Organization to analyse the shipping industry and its connected markets. After a thorough analysis of demand and supply characteristics and the derived equilibria of the shipping market, other key concepts will be defined and measured, such as network economies, mixing up economies of scope (i.e. from a bundle of freight services) and economies of scale, which are key factors of concentration and competitiveness for this industry. A good complementary handbook reference for this first part dedicated to the essentials in maritime economics can be found in Martin Stopford’s book, third edition. The UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport, published on a yearly basis, might also be helpful to capture the updates of the maritime shipping industry.
The market organization is further developed in the second part of the course, starting with the modelling of spillover effects through Input-Output models. The method can be also used to estimate any kind of direct and indirect economic effects caused by the presence of a specific industry (e.g. fishing and commercial ports, shipping industry, coastal tourism, shipyards, etc.). The measurement and analysis of concentration will follow to appreciate the creation of large and integrated firms, consortia and alliances in the shipping industry. The last chapter will be dedicated to a conceptual analysis of firm strategies through oligopoly models and game theory, possibly illustrated by a remote participation to a serious game of oligopoly competition in the liner market (TRALIN).

Programme Leader(s)

The course is delivered by Patrice GUILLOTREAU, professor of Economics

Our partners

Research center

The CDMO (Maritime and Oceanic Law Centre) of the Nantes Université, responsible for the European Research Programme ERC Human Sea, organize from October 15th to 17th, 2018 an international maritime colloquium centered on the theme Transforming the ocean law by requirement of the marine environment conservation.


Logo Foreign Trade University

Foreign Trade University is a university established in 1960, located in Hanoi, Vietnam. The university also has campuses in Ho Chi Minh City and Quang Ninh. FTU is recognized as one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam and has gained enormous achievements in providing talented graduates to the Vietnamese economy. FTU offers a wide range of majors and specializations in economics, business, business administration, finance and banking and foreign languages.

Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) is a leading administrative public institution in Cambodia, who plays vital role in educational programs associated with agriculture and related sectors for all levels. RUA was founded in 1964 under the monarch, King Norodom Sihanouk.


Entry requirement

Academic requirement

  • University level
  • Essentials in Microeconomics (supply and demand functions, market equilibria)
  • Basic knowledge in Industrial Organization (S-C-P model, 5 forces model, returns to scale, barriers to entry)

Target audience

Anyone who needs to use knowledge about industrial and maritime economics for a study or to make a decision in a professional context.


Application procedure

Ask for your registration using the online form

Tuitions :


Introduction - What is Industrial Organization about?
Part I. Essentials of industrial maritime economics
        Module 1: Demand, supply and market equilibrium
        Module 2: Shipping costs: scale, scope and networks economies
Part II. Market organization and competition in the shipping industry
        Module 3: Industrial concentration of the shipping industry
        Module 4: Theoretical analysis of market structures and game theory applied to liner shipping

Fully remote

Work rate : 30 hours during 9 weeks
3 hours / week

This training leads to a participation certificate.
The content of this training is derived from the Master Shipping-Trading.

What's next?

Competencies acquired

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
  • define and describe the major findings of IO analytical frameworks
  • classify the different shipping markets and types of cargo
  • apply cost and returns to scale analysis to the shipping industry
  • analyse mergers, alliances and concentration in the liner shipping industry
  • analyse growth strategies of shipping companies in an oligopoly market with capacity constraint.
Mis à jour le 05 July 2019.