Our team

Coordination team

Groupe de classe
Coordination : Support pedagogy : Communication :

Law and Maritime safety

Logo du CDMO

Educational managers :

  • Patrick Chaumette
  • Pascal Leblond
Student management :
  • Cécile Bolte
Teaching staff :
  • Valérie Boré-Eveno (UN)
  • Patrick Chaumette (UN)
  • Odile Delfour-Samama (UN)
  • Stéphanie Erdem (ENSM)
  • Jean-François Le Ruyet (UN)
  • François Mandin (UN)
  • Régis Mauriac (ENSM)
  • Arnaud Montas (UBO)
  • Caroline Devaux (UN)
  • Antoine Luquiau (Private)
  • Bertrand Vendé (Private)
  • Renaud Cousepel du Mesnil (Private)

Maritime spaceplanning

logo LETG

Educational managers :

  • Thierry Guineberteau (UN)
  • Nicolas Rollo (UN)
Coordinator of Africa :
  • Patrick Pottier (UN)

Teaching staff :
  • Michel Desse (UN)
  • Paul Fattal (UN)
  • Christophe Grenier (UN)
  • Célestin Hauhouot (UFHB)
  • Patrick Pottier (UN)


Maritime Economics

logo LEMNA
Educational managers :
  • Sophie Pardo
  • Corinne Bagoulla (UN)
  • Christophe Leclerc (UN)
Student management :
  • Joelle Le Brouder, Schooling and partnerships (Asia)
Teaching staff :
  • Gildas Appéré (UA)
  • Patrice Guillotreau (UN)
  • Muriel Travers (UN)

Marine Civil engineering

Logo GEM
Educational manager :
  • Franck Schoefs (UN)
Student management :
  • Laurence Delorme (UN)
Teaching staff :
  • Emilio Bastidas (La Rochelle)
  • Martin Sanchez (UN)
  • Franck Schoefs (UN)
  • Jerôme Lebeau (Private)
Mis à jour le 06 February 2023.