Formation courte "Anglais maritime juridique"

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Formation 100% à distance.
Cette formation asynchrone offre la possibilité au stagiaire de réaliser la formation à son rythme en fonction de ses disponibilités.


  • Tarif plein : 440€
  • Tarif étudiant : 220€


In this course, you will study different topics related to Maritime Law and the Law of the Seas and learn some specific terminology items.



Responsable(s) de la formation



Formation(s) requise(s)

  • B1/B2 Level in English

Public ciblé

This online training is specifically designed for professionals who have targeted a specific need.


Modalités de candidature

To register, complete this form.


  • Unit 1: The Erika directive
  • Unit 2: The Exxon Valdez case
  • Unit 3: Salvage
  • Unit 4: Corruption in the shipping industry
  • Unit 5: Piracy
  • Unit 6: The rescue of migrants
  • Unit 7: Sustainable fishing in India
  • Unit 8: The law in High Seas
  • Unit 9: Maritime Arbitration

Contenu de la formation

Global and detailed comprehension work on audio/video/text documents followed by global plus detailed analysis leading the learner to reactivate the notions, facts and lexisi studied in a personnal written work individually corrected.

M. Jean-François Le Ruyet, Professor of English, Faculty of Law, Nantes University.

Your work will be tested in a final written and by short oral comprehension test.


Et après ?

Compétences visées

By the end of this course, learners will be able to :

  • memorize key lexical items in the field of maritime law
  • recognize them in oral speech and texts
  • use them to summarize facts and opinions on the topics studied



Coût de la formation

  • Training fees : 22 €/hour
  • Students, job-seekers : 11 €/hour

Modalités d'inscription

To register, complete the online form
  • In the case of self-financed training, we must receive your training contract at least 14 days before the start of the course.
  • In the case of employer-financed training, your training agreement must be received by us at least 3 days before the start of the course.

* Contracts and training agreements must be signed and returned to us by e-mail before the dates indicated.
Mis à jour le 15 juillet 2024.