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Sea Sciences Digital University


Sea Sciences Digital University « UN e-SEA » offers easy access to master's level e-learning training programmes for both students and professionals worldwide.


Under IUML, Sea Sciences Digital University « UN e-SEA » offers easy access to master's level e-learning training programs for both students and professionals worldwide.UN e-SEA training programmes are produced by teachers, researchers, educational designers and managers of maritime activities.

Short term courses are derived from the master’s teaching programme. They are provided to individuals independently from master's degree programmes or within the framework of a partnership, an university, an employing organisation or operator dealing with the skills-building of managers, engineers, elected officials or with local government employees in the field of maritime activity. These training courses are based on autonomous education through distance learning techniques. In addition to this, exchange between trainees is set up by means of collaborative tools, virtual teaching, videoconferencing and face-to-face group meetings.

Since 4 years, thanks to its growing international network, UN e-SEA aims at federating teachers and profesionals from various topics and contexts around short operational digital training contents, in order to facilitate the emergence of solutions from training exchanges. Its alumni community produced more than 40 studies and thesis about the coastal and maritime context in West Africa, which could be shared towards a wider community.


Short term courses are derived from the master’s teaching programme. They are provided to individuals independently from master's degree programmes or within the framework of a partnership, an university, an employing organisation or operator dealing with the skills-building of managers, engineers, elected officials or with local government employees in the field of maritime activity. These training courses are based on autonomous education through distance learning techniques. In addition to this, exchange between trainees is set up by means of collaborative tools, virtual teaching, videoconferencing and face-to-face group meetings.

There are 4 available formats:            

  • Focal Point: 2 to 7 hours in which to appropriate a specific subject or method: - Either in complete self-learning or through virtual teaching supplemented by on-line documents.          
  • Practical: 4 to 12 hours of training in how to design strategy, apply knowledge in a specific case and design one’s own methodological tools in a work context; Self-reading and collaborative work on-line; Introduction, stage review and conclusion through virtual teaching.         
  • Panorama: around 15 hours of training: - Self-learning plus one half-day of virtual teaching. 
  • In-depth: 20 to 40 hours of training: - Self-learning, interaction activities plus 1 to 2 days of virtual teaching, videoconferencing or group meetings; Hotline tutoring and discussion forum throughout the whole training period.


UN e-SEA develops masters degree through distance learning in Sea Sciences.

Main training topics :

  • Geography and Maritime Spatial Planning
  • Law and Maritime Safety
  • Marine Civil Engineering
  • Maritime Economics

The IUML, University Institute of Sea and Coast


UN e-SEA training programmes are produced by teachers, researchers, educational designers and managers of maritime activities.
They are developed under the scientific coordination of The IUML, University Institute of Marine and Coastal Environments. It includes abput 20 laboratories, 850 researchers, engineers, lecturers and 15 excellence training (masters and engineering degrees) including Industrial Environment.

A program funded by :

logo nantes metropole logo pays de la loire

A program certified by :

logo pôle mer
Mis à jour le 28 August 2023.