Université numérique des sciences de la mer
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UN e-SEA aims at developping partnerships in order to:
  • Design a training offer adapted to local students
  • Promote easier access to a wealth of content through 8 multidisciplinary masters in Sea Sciences, with no mobility requirement
  • Provide e-learning and blended learning training programmes
To learn more about partnerships:

Our partners

Banniere Nantes Université
French Maritime Academy

The French Maritime Academy (ENSM) provides high level training courses in the maritime and paramaritime sectors to Merchant Marine Officers. Its values are the same as mariners: open-mindedness, intellectual curiosity and rigor, respect for others and the environment, honesty, loyalty, humility, versatility, sense of responsibility, autonomy, trust in others, solidarity, mutual aid, social advancement.

Diractorate of Cooperation for Security and Defense (DCSD)

DCSD implements security and defense cooperation as part of France's diplomatic action.

The Institute promote in the Gulf of Guinea a safe, secure, clean and sustainable maritime area for economic and human development. To reach this goal, it trains authorities in charge of the Sea.

Dakar Trainmar Center

Logo du centre Trainmar de Dakar
Trainmar Center is the first Senegal training center for professions involved in maritime regulation and management. Partner of UN e-SEA since May 2016, it welcomes and manages students and professionals enrolled in Law and Maritime Safety Master with UN e-SEA program.

Foreign Trade University
Logo Foreign Trade University

Foreign Trade University is a university established in 1960, located in Hanoi, Vietnam. The university also has campuses in Ho Chi Minh City and Quang Ninh. FTU is recognized as one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam and has gained enormous achievements in providing talented graduates to the Vietnamese economy. FTU offers a wide range of majors and specializations in economics, business, business administration, finance and banking and foreign languages.

Universidad del Norte
Following the principles, values and objectives guiding Universidad del Norte Foundation since its creation, it has the mission of holistically forming the individual at the level of higher education and contribute through its institutional presence in the community for balanced development of society and the country, especially the Caribbean region.

Félix Houphouët-Boigny University
Logo de l'Université Félix Houphouët

Félix Houphouët-Boigny University is an Ivorian university, located in the commune of Cocody (in the east of Abidjan). It was previously called Cocody University.

Défense Conseil International
Logo DCI

Reference operator of the ministry of the armed forces for the international transfer of the French military know-how to France friendly countries armed forces, DCI group has been operating across all the defence and security spectrum for more than 45 years.
Mis à jour le 30 January 2023.